A) Monday thru Thursday, invites start at 7:45pm, and zone in is at 8:00pm Central. Generally we end our raids around 11:00pm Central; sometimes a bit earlier, and sometimes a bit later. If you have to leave early or come late, that is quite alright. Just try to make note of it per raid.
2.) What classes are you recruiting?
A) You can find the classes we are recruiting on the front page
3.) What is your loot system?
A) Currently we pass on all epics during a raid, as sometimes the roll boxes are buggy. From there, we use our Guild Bot to roll in guild chat per class. There is no DKP at this time. The rule for new recruits are as follows: You will be allowed to loot any rotting loot, and then after two weeks of raids you will be able to roll against the rest of us. The purpose of this rule is to be as fair as possible. An example of this: A veteran member has been attending raids for quite some time. The one drop that they have been hoping for finally drops. It would not be fair for a new recruit who just joined THAT day to be allowed on loot that the veteran member has been raiding day after day for. Two weeks is a relatively short time. If our loot system were dkp, it would probably take a lot longer for a new member to catch up with veteran dkp.
Note: A Pestilence member who has been inactive for more than two months, upon return, must wait two weeks before rolling against our active members as well.
4.) What requirement do you need to make for raid attendance per week?
A) Our guild believes real life comes before game. As such, we do not have a minimum requirement of attending raids per week. The only thing we ask of members is to sign up for raids on our website. It is very easy to do, and there are three categories: Signed (can attend), Unsigned (cannot attend), and Unsure (may be available, but may not be) If you are going to be gone for an extended period of time (week, months, etc). Please be sure to post that in the forums so we can plan for your absense.
5.) Is a chat program required for raiding?
A) Yes, many instructions are given in Ventrilo during combat. Some information needs to be heard and reacted to very quickly. One person who is not in ventrilo could cause a wipe to the raid. Ventrilo is a free program that can be downloaded at http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php. Our Ventrilo information is located in our Guild Charter.
6.) How much progression has Pestilence made in PvE?
A) We have all Tier 1 and Tier 2 bosses on Farm status. We are currently working on Tier 3 content, and have downed the first set of three bosses.
7.) How far along is your Guild City Progression?
A) We have completed all of our T3 buildings and are now just working on the walls.
8.) Does your guild own a Battlekeep?
A) No, we no longer own a T3 Battlekeep. But may in the future again.
9.) Does your guild PvP?
A) Many members in our guild love to PvP. Mini games, border kingdoms, and seiges are apart of our weekly fun outside of raids. It is not required of our members if they do not like PvP. We are focused more on the PvE however.
10.) Okay, I joined the guild, but how do I see our guild forums and sign up for raids?
A) Once you are registered for our forums, please make an access request using these instructions. After your permissions have been promoted to guild status, you can then register for raid sign-ups as per this thread
11.) I'm getting bored of my main, can I change mains to my new level 80, or at least take my alt on raids?
A) If you are certain you want to actually change mains, you must go through the two week loot rule as per New Recruits. It isn't fair to those who have been attempting to gear up their only main for quite some time, to immediately lose to a person who has just changed mains. But after the two week loot rule, you are then considered a main. This rule is in place to make sure people are not just changing mains purely for gear, and it's truly because they enjoy their new class more than their old. If you are not interested in changing mains, but would like to take your alts on raid you can do so, IF your main has already got the gear needed from that instance and your main is not needed for that particular raid. Also, all alts must be parked in front of the instance before the raid starts, if you intend on taking an Alt. Please make a note ahead of time in the raid sign-ups so that a Raid Leader will know ahead of time, instead of half way through a raid. And to add to that, if any main still needs gear but there is not enough room, I will remove an alt from raid for a main.
12.) Is there anything else I need to know once I join the guild?
A) Often forums begin to fill with many stickies all of which are important, but many don't remember where a sticky is located. Because of that, I have set up one extra sticky that has a link to all other important stickies here.
13.) I am not really interested in raiding, nor have the time. I am looking for a guild that is friendly, can I still join if I don't plan to raid?
A) Yes! We are a guild that not only focuses on PvE raiding with PvP on the side...but first and foremost we are a bunch of friends who enjoy grouping together and helping each other out. We do allow people to join, to get to know us and have fun. We often have people on all hours of the day to help make this a more friendly environment. So, regardless if it says the classes we are recruiting are full, if you are interested for the casual part of enjoying a guild with friends and not interested in raiding, you are still welcome to join us.