The guild charter is not a complete set of rules. Think of it more as guidelines. We are an adult guild who should be able to manage ourselves in a mature fashion. More guidelines will be added in the future.
Guild Conduct:
We expect everyone to have fun and enjoy every aspect of the guild. Pestilence members are expected to respect other guild members. Guild chat is self-policing. If someone has a problem with what is being said in chat, he/she will send a tell and ask you nicely to take the conversation to tells. If anyone does not respect these simple rules, an officer can decide proper punishment.
Cheating and Exploiting
We have a zero exploiting policy. This includes both the rarely acknowledged until fixed by Funcom exploits as well as what we as a guild determine to most likely be an exploit. By being in the guild it is expected that members will not exploit or participate in group or raid encounters where exploiting is being done. To avoid situations like this it is best to ask before joining a group or raid, especially if the part or raid is known to use the tactic in question, how they plan on doing an encounter if it is known to be exploitable.
Our vent server may be used for guild sponsored events (raids, groups, pugs). Please do not let non-guildies use our limited vent server when you are not instancing/raiding together.
Vent server information:
Port: 5401
PW: valhalla
Guild Raids:
Invites will be out as quickly as possible from raid invite start time, (7:45pm Central). Guildies are expected to be at the zone in ready to zone in by 8:00pm. Those who have signed up prior to invites will be given priority to that raid night. More on this here: Raiding Guidelines
Guild Bank:
The guild bank is first come first serve currently. You may request items in the guild bank from an officer at anytime with a few exceptions. All gold that is donated is being spent towards the guild city and needed respecs for bosses. Also, all materials used to build the guild city are also going there. At this time that list of materials unavailable to members includes: Duskmetal, Oak, and Basalt. All other items are available to members.
There are two seperate guild banks. Currently, we have Alchemy mats that were donated along with some other items that do not seem to be used in the game that much on an alt named "Shaelyn". You are welcome to join the guild on an alt to check if there's something you need to request from there. Also, our main guild bank is all the rest of the donated items.
~Last Edited March 08, 2009
Pestilence Guild Charter - Members and Recruits
Pestilence Guild Charter - Members and Recruits
Last edited by TyR on Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Easier to remember ventrilo ip
Reason: Easier to remember ventrilo ip